Environment protectors working for Sustainability in their own, unique ways

Today, we say the Internet can do anything!
But really? Can it? Or is it the people who are actually using their full potential to fight a battle that’s coming towards us at full speed? The battle of the environment. The battle of the climate crisis. The battle of…perhaps, our own extinction.
However, I am not a nihilist (at least, not today) and I am not here to scare you about the impending doom that the climate crisis might bring to us. I am not here to talk about the horrors humans have done to nature and the various forms of life in it. I am here to talk about those warriors, those few brilliant souls that know that the environment is not simply meant for our exploitation, but rather for mutual existence and interaction.
These days, the word ‘sustainability’ exists in every nook and corner of human actions. People are not just planting trees in its name, rather they are bringing newer methods, and creative ways to help the environment. From creating recyclable fashion to eco-friendly diaries and pencils to sustainable farming to nature-friendly accessories, you will be surprised and in awe of the creativity, people are showing. It’s truly brilliant.
Today, I will introduce you to some of the heroes of sustainability, who are doing their best in saving nature with their creative, innovative, and inspiring actions. If it would have been up to us, we would have brought words from all the inspiring heroes to you, however, we have to limit ourselves to a few enough to inspire you and gear you in action. You can search for more in the vast ocean of the internet and I am sure, just like us, you will be amazed too by the sheer number of communities, artists, and influencers engaged in this magic called ‘Sustainability’.

Student environmentalist and conservationist
Our first Hero of Sustainability is a young, enthusiastic, and energetic spirit who feels closely associated with her environment.
“Hey there! I’m Yohelinna, an 18-year-old student environmentalist from Malaysia and the face behind Simply Pasha. I’m a part-time content creator who is also a huge fan of plants, true crime tv shows, anime & sports. I’ve always believed that every single one of us has the power to spark change and inspire others to follow suit.”
When did you realize you need to do something personally for the environment?
I’ve always loved plants & animals as a kid, but I was never really into the whole sustainability movement. I started my own metal straw business about two years ago and fell in love with the low-waste community. Now, I’ve pivoted to a completely different niche! I started doing my own research about this field and learned so many new things that were inspirational, beautiful, or downright cruel. My impulsive deep dive into the field of environmentalism really changed me as a person and I knew I had to inspire others to do the same!
How have you been doing so?
I love writing and digitally creating content, so Instagram was my best option. I love showing people that you’re never too young to make a difference by putting out new ideas & showing bits and bobs of my daily life. Trust me, education makes a huge difference. There is a myriad of ways you can make a difference, you just need to be confident enough.
Has social media influence helped you in any manner?
I think social media influence has really made a huge impact on my life. Sure, I get burnt out sometimes but that’s only a small part of my long journey. Thanks to my community on social media, I feel like I’m not the same person I was two years ago. You learn something new every day or you meet amazing new people who inspire you to up your game. I’ve also made so many new friends who support my dreams and I feel more confident when I share my opinions with like-minded people. Honestly, social media can be a powerful tool if used wisely.
What changes do you believe your work has brought?
Even if I manage to spark change in at least one person, I’ll consider that a huge success. I have been involved in multiple interviews & collaborations that resulted in people from different accounts and platforms telling me they love my content. My own friends and family have started making more earth-conscious decisions. As a student, I may not be able to create new laws or stop corporations from pushing overconsumption, but I can change myself & the people around me.
Any message you would like to give to the readers?
If you’re reading this, I just want you to know that you’re never too young or old to make a difference. What you may find insignificant can help shape the world. After all, many imperfect actions are better than a handful of perfect ones. We don’t have to save our planet for future generations or for ourselves, let’s just do it for mother nature. After all, we’re simply borrowing this planet and coexisting with millions of other creatures.

Sustainable Fashion Blogger and founder of @tegacollective
She is a vegan. She is a fashion blogger. She is an entrepreneur. Niharika, our next hero of
sustainability, is helping small tribal groups and communities in bringing their art and
fashion styles in the central focus of today’s fashion world to encourage local, authentic and
sustainable works.
When did you realize you need to do something personally for the environment?
I have always been a visual person starting art and design work from the age of 5. I moved to India from the US when I was 11 and that’s when I developed a lot of knowledge of sustainability from a South Asian lens and realized how ingrained it was in our culture whereas in the West it was an add-on that took a lot of effort. That is what inspired me to create. Growing up surrounded by rich South Asian textiles, fashion was a vehicle for not only self-expression but a relationship with my culture as well.
How have you been doing so?
I was majoring in Biomedical engineering in college and wanted a creative outlet to talk about sustainability and decided to make an Instagram page. Initially, it was just small cooking videos, fashion photos, and zero-waste swaps but I saw more and more people resonating with me going deeper into what sustainability truly means and how our cultural practices are key to it.
Has social media influence helped you in any manner?
Yes, it has helped me spread my message, create unique content and work with incredible organizations that are doing incredible work.
What changes do you believe your work has brought?
So far I think people are thinking differently about how sustainability should be practiced and understanding the importance of Indigenous wisdom and cultural practices in creating a better future. In early 2022 I launched Tega Collective, a sustainable fashion enterprise that champions Adivasi communities from India and their textile traditions. With each clothing collection, Tega co-creates with communities by highlighting their traditional colors, patterns, and natural symbols. Tega collaborates with unique artisan partners for capsule collections where a 7% percentage of our proceeds are funneled back to the communities we work with for each collection to remove the traditional hierarchy of power and profit. Tega strives to build healing and enriching relationships with the communities and ecosystems that support it.
Any message you would like to give to the readers?
Right now brands are focused on the new buzzword like circularity with the goal to reduce waste, reuse products as many times as possible, and regenerating natural systems.
But sustainable fashion is more than just eco-friendly fabrics, this doesn’t get to the root of the problem. We still aren’t talking about these solutions critically enough, they are very isolated and do not think of the rest of the ecosystem, colonial history, or the bigger picture.

Team comprises Priyanka Kohli, Amrita, Shivang, Saurav, Dikesh, Rashmi, Kapil, Ajay, Sweta, Yug, Diya, Shubhankar, and Aman.
Meet our next group of heroes, a wonderful community from the heart of Uttarakhand, India, that combines artists and activists, thus giving birth to the term ‘artivists’. Considering themselves as a family, these activists work to bring positivity and change in society through the medium of art.
When did you realize you need to do something personally for the environment?
We have been actively working as artivists (artist+activist) for the past few years. Being brought up in the city of Haldwani which is so close to mountains, fills our hearts with greenery and love for pahad (mountains). But in the meantime, seeing our home (pahad) getting heaped with garbage, full of pollution, heat at its utmost, all this is the main reason we decided to do something to save our home from deteriorated.
How have you been doing so?
In July 2021, we came up with a campaign “Safaachat“(cleanliness and awareness drive in different parts of Uttarakhand). It’s been a tremendous one-year journey of highs and lows that taught us a lot about ourselves, our locality, the safe chat warriors, and their power.
Has social media influence helped you in any manner?
Yes! We have been quite fortunate to be in the age of the internet which is a powerhouse of knowledge and has the capacity to share your thoughts and ideas with more and more people around you.
Social media helped us to communicate with every individual who wanted to be a part of this initiative. We feel the virtual world creates strong bonds of togetherness and help.
What changes do you believe your work has brought?
We will honestly share our experiences, we are working hard on this initiative but it is a tough nut to crack. We at times had smashed our heads and didn’t get any results and at times we were overwhelmed with people and their energies. It will take endless efforts, to design strategies for awareness, because just collecting the garbage is not our concern, rather not seeing that garbage again will create the magic we wish to see. Cleanliness is important but awareness is the need of the hour.
Any message you would like to give to the readers?
We as team “TAAMEER” thank everyone and anyone who is working for this cause of cleanliness and awareness. We solely believe that an individual with a thought to change for good can do wonders but a team together with ideas, strategies, and experience can do extreme wonders. So let’s just come out of our comfort and make this world a happy place to live for you and for your generations.

Founder of @hendsfoundation and describing himself as a Speaker, vegan, minimalist, and a lot more, our next hero is almost like a one-man army but a humbleness filled within. He engages people from his community and youth from all over the country to engage in actions that can help the environment and create a future where humans are still living happily. All he believes is, that he is trying his best to make Earth better.
When did you realize you need to do something personally for the environment?
I realized the need to become an activist when I was in 8th standard.
How have you been doing so?
It’s not at all easy, sometimes you have to come across very lows and sometimes it’s like being in 7th heaven. I started it alone and now I have a 6-year-old NGO with a team of young enthusiastic teens.
Has social media influence helped you in any manner?
Yes, a lot.
What changes do you believe your work has brought?
We have awarded a lot of people through social media and made them aware of sustainable and environment-friendly habits. Most of our team is a result of social media and the tree plantations we have done have helped animals & birds to have a shelter, also helping fight climate change. Our cleanliness drive made places clean and we awarded people to not use SUP, and the most important initiative is our Free school which helps the underprivileged to gain education for free and in their own place.
Any message you would like to give to the readers?
I just wanna say that it’s might seem too late to act but the good news is these are the last few years when we can act to save our planet, we have to focus on individual responsibility towards our planet, Each one of us has to think and act like an environmentalist, plant and conserve trees, live a minimalist life, connect with the environment and I’m happy the most people are already on it.
When did you realize you need to do something personally for the environment?
When I became a mother! Having a child changes a lot and for me, it made me conscious of what we were doing to the environment and how that impacts my child and of course us, directly. As parents, we want to do the best we can, for our children. And I feel that giving them a safe planet to live in is one of the most important things we can do for them.
How have you been doing so?
Our aim, as a household is to generate minimum waste and reduce our consumption, across everything. Slowly and gradually, we’ve managed to do that and reached a point where we no longer have any bins in our house, and we don’t trash anything. We’ve reduced our consumption significantly, we buy mostly from Indian sustainable brands, avoid all sorts of disposable products and recycle whatever little dry waste we generate. I also started involving our son in everything when he was just about 2 years old and started understanding things. He’s involved in composting, segregating waste, making bio enzymes, gardening, etc. I want this lifestyle to be normal for him and want him to be equipped with all the skills that he’ll need as he grows up.
Has social media influence helped you in any manner?
Absolutely! I have learned everything because of social media. Especially during the initial lockdowns, most companies working in this space became very active online and started putting out content and even conducting workshops online. I attended as many as possible! Now, I use Instagram to show people how they can make small changes, easily. Over the last few months, I’ve been sharing my son’s journey and his activities as well, just to show that if a child can do these things, they aren’t difficult.
What changes do you believe your work has brought?
The response on Instagram has been fantastic! I get a lot of messages with queries about composting, recycling, making bio enzymes, etc. This shows that people are interested and do care and just need some guidance on how to start and where to start. This gives me a lot of hope! Nothing gives me more satisfaction than a stranger messaging me saying they adopted a sustainable practice because of my posts.
Any message you would like to give to readers?
We’ve been hearing a lot about how the planet needs us. But I think it’s the other way round, the planet doesn’t need us, we need the planet! It will probably flourish without us. So, let’s think about what we can do to make it better and not worse. Every small step, every small change counts. Because I believe that once you make one step, you won’t stop at it!

Sustainability Coach an Environmental Consultant
Not all heroes wear capes, right? Some even don’t just stop at fighting battles. They move ahead and help other people fight them too. So does our next superhero! Being a sustainability coach simply doesn’t mean giving people ideas and tips for environment-friendly actions, but rather changing their attitude, and helping them take the right path that is responsible and helpful for nature. That’s what our superhero, Astha Asthana does.
When did you realize you need to do something for the environment?
Growing up, I used to watch a lot of NAT GEO and DISCOVERY shows such as Planet Earth, Man-made disasters, etc, that used to intrigue me about how humans are affecting the planet. That curiosity continued with my academics and hence after completing my engineering I chose to opt for a course that offered me insight into sustainability and the environment. During this course, I got to learn actual tools and ways to help organizations and people to adopt sustainability in their business and process. From then on it’s a journey, which I am on.
How have you been doing so?
It’s been 3 years professionally and 2 more years studying this field. I have been grateful to have met some amazing personalities who have made a difference in organizations and led a more sustainable path.
Has social media influence helped you in any manner?
Of course, Today, The Social media Algo has been filled either with Hauls or ether with climate doom-related news. This needs to change. Society has to find a middle ground.
What changes do you believe your work has brought?
Though I am still learning and growing daily in this field, I am continuously trying to break myths and spread awareness on this topic in a simple manner. Sustainability is filled with jargon- and if my efforts help even a few people, I will take it as a win. In my work, I am continuing to help organizations reduce their carbon emissions, and waste, improve their resource efficiency, and improve overall ESG scores.
Any message you would like to give to readers?
I would like to encourage young readers to choose a career in this field, this field is growing and in dire need of professionals. There is a dearth of opportunity in these green-collar jobs.
And of course, Be a personal champion for Sustainability- Do the small sustainable changes in your lifestyle.

Ecobeauty Inspo
Anya, our next hero, is a charming personality who has begun the journey of something called ‘Ecobeauty Inspo’, inspiring young people to stay healthy, and look their best selves, all while keeping nature’s conservation in mind. She inspires thousands today through tips and tutorials on her Instagram handle.
When did you realize you need to do something for the environment?
About 3 years ago when I started my journey as a beauty reviewer I found that taking care of the skin also comes with an ugly side: high consumerism that leads to lots of waste. Since then, I realized that beauty is not about buying products and it shouldn’t cost the earth. It’s nice to take care of ourselves but it would be even more beautiful if we impact others and the environment too — as planet earth is the source of lots of skin care remedies.
How have you been doing so?
Collecting and dropping my beauty empties at to waste management service is the last thing I would do. I’d prefer to manage my expectation towards beauty products so I don’t have to buy everything because my skin doesn’t need as much as I thought. I only use vegan and cruelty-free products and as much as I can use more local products to reduce my carbon footprint. Working with beauty brands is amazing for my career but I carefully selected brands that are also conscious of sustainability.
Has social media influence helped you in any manner?
Yes, there are many accounts that help us to understand sustainability and environmental issues. I’m also happy to see people who share their struggles and effort to make the planet a better place to live.
What changes do you believe your work has brought?
I believe I’ve been inspiring many brands to be more conscious of sustainability in the beauty industry. Such as, brands are starting to collect their empties from customers, using more vegan-friendly and sustainably sourced ingredients. Also, more local brands with eco-friendly themes are rising.
Any message you would like to give to readers?
Start now and start slowly. Don’t strive for perfection because your journey doesn’t have to look the same as others. Believe what you do is making a positive impact not only on the earth but also on the people.

Author and educator of sustainable living for farm and mind.
Kirsten educates modern society and brings them to remember how important it is for us to stay close to nature, in its proximity, so that we not only understand its usefulness but also learn how to appreciate and care for it more.
When did you realize you need to do something for the environment?
My passion for nature started as early as I can remember, and I have a deeply vivid memory of looking through a picture book on endangered species when I was maybe 6-7 years old and seeing a render of an endangered animal with the caption “going, going, gone” and information on how it was projected to be extinct in the next decade. I felt helpless to do anything about the world around me and its plight. Then, I discovered homesteading. Homesteading may not be what you first think of when you consider environmental activism. But it is taking your life and your relationship to nature, animals, and to your food, into your own hands – to take control over what you can control.
How have you been doing so?
There are many steps we take as a homestead and small farm to help protect our environment. We are planting trees and have added a pond to our farm for natural shade and irrigation. We reduce our own footprint by eliminating groceries as much as possible, and growing our own food. Learning how things can work together is hugely important to me, which is why we also use our animals as part of our land management rather than using equipment when it is practical.
Has social media influence helped you in any manner?
Social media has helped me in my career, but I cannot say it has aided my homesteading lifestyle too much. It has allowed me to form some friendships I otherwise wouldn’t have, with people living similar lifestyles in faraway places. I think it serves as a wonderful introduction to a lifestyle, to different perspectives, and to gain some starting tips – but it is only a starting place.
What changes do you believe your work has brought?
I have gained a tremendous amount of confidence in myself, in my own abilities to take care of myself and accomplish what needs to be done, and to keep on learning. To me, self-sufficiency and sustainability are about mindset as well – it isn’t enough to change to a different lifestyle and become more sustainable, you have to make those changes sustainable for your mind and your daily life, so that you can continue them for years to come. I think I have made those changes for myself.
Any message you would like to give to readers?
I think people should feel inspired to do what they can do. If you think you have no power over what is going on in the larger world, think again. Do what you can with where you are. Do it as best you can, do it in a way that maybe will inspire others, and do it in a way that is sustainable for you as well as the world around you.

‘What Can I Do?
Our final Superhero comes from a community that has been assisting the people of their country in fighting the battle of the climate crisis. Australia, the land of several thousand species of plants and animals, has been facing the consequences of reckless human actions for years now. But because of people like Felicity and the community of ‘What Can I Do? Australia’, we still find hope.
When did you realize you need to do something for the environment?
I clearly remember a lesson in school when I was 10 years old explaining what global warming was but I remember thinking that the adults were on top of it and it wasn’t anything to worry about. In 2018, when I saw Greta Thunberg’s School Strike hit the global stage and Extinction Rebellion shut down 5 bridges in London demanding greater climate action, I (felt the situation had gotten desperate enough due to decades of inaction from the world Governments) knew it was time for everyday people like myself to step up.
How have you been doing so?
As soon as the Extinction Rebellion came to my town, Sydney, Australia I joined and spent 2019 and 2020 volunteering heavily with them, including initiating two ‘Meditate for Climate Action’ events in 2019 and two protest marches during the Australian bushfires of 2020. At the start of 2021, during Covid-19 lockdowns, I started ‘What Can I Do? Australia’. We are a not-for-profit run by volunteers that tries to empower everyday people in Australia to use the power they have to help the climate crisis drawing on knowledge of human behavior and emotion from Psychology.
Has social media influence helped you in any manner?
We use social media through our Facebook and Instagram pages to spread the word about ‘What Can I Do? Australia’, to provide education on what everyday people can do to help the climate crisis and to try to inspire and empower our audience to take more action to help the climate crisis.
What changes do you believe your work has brought?
I believe that we have inspired many people to take more action to help the climate crisis, however, it is difficult to measure the exact impact. We know we’ve had at least 500 people enroll in our 10-Week Climate Action challenge. The challenge asks participants to take 1 action per week across the 10 main areas where we believe everyday people have the power to help the climate crisis. The model means that the investment of time, money, and energy is quite minimal and easily scaled up, which we plan to keep doing.
Any message you would like to give to readers?
Humanity has never seen the challenges we face with the climate crisis and biodiversity loss. Getting involved in trying to help the climate crisis has given my life profound meaning. I’ve made some great friends and learned all kinds of skills and there is something deeply refreshing and invigorating about facing the reality of the situation and stepping up to my responsibility as a citizen of the earth. I recommend finding out where you have the power to help, doing your best (not perfection), and letting go of what you can’t control. I truly believe that if each of us does what we can then we can solve this one.
Thanks for caring, Felicity.
Ah! So these are some of the heroes we got a chance to interact with. The world is filled with many more. And the best part is, you can be one too. All you have to do is have an intention. An intention to help the environment and bring a positive change to it. As one of our heroes said, The Earth doesn’t need us. We need the Earth. Let’s protect it while we still can.