Wall Art in Colleges and it’s significance

Wall art appears as a form of communication

There is no must in art because art is free.

Read that again. Slower this time. You will feel the words right in the depths of the graceful rosiness flowing within the shambles of your capillaries. Okay, that sounded better before I inked it down. Ink reminded me, have you heard of mural art ? If you haven’t, then… 

I know you get the gist. This was another failed attempt at writing an introduction to Wall Art a.k.a Mural Painting.

Now, as it might be obvious, this wall art is in context with colleges. For those who have heard of it in the news already, great. For those who haven’t, even greater. At least someone has something better to do. Just Kidding. I just realised I shouldn’t be.

Anyway, most of us are intrigued by art, in one form or another, sometimes formless too, exquisite in each one of them. And the remaining are well, fond of the artists. Especially in college. And cherry on top, the bold and beautiful Wall art, and even bolder , Wall Artist.

I would like to begin with a few words of appreciation. For creativity and courage.  And for expressing the untold, the suppressed and the oppressed. And also for bringing to life, the emotions, the thoughts, the realisations, and externalizing them in the walls, that would otherwise be long lost. For creating not just art, but a culture in itself, an unabridged manifestation of the very soul of the college.

Every venue, within the boundaries of the college campus, is almost always known by the incident for which it is infamous for. And the wall art becomes the testimony. That which you pass by everyday, which becomes a part of your day, which becomes a part of you, and such is the lasting impact that even when you part with college, the art doesn’t part with you. And interesting it is, how the memories of a day from years down the line, becomes the reason for a million dollar smile, or many of them, if the art allows , if the profundity of it , the colours of it, don’t fade away in the mystery of time.

But more than that, the significance lies in the recognition of the art and the artist. Where one might find their individuality through the subtle strokes on the wall, the other might find a purpose within the perception of the splashes. Every little creation has the power to incite within, the fire to burn the moments that don’t matter, and yet infect more than the ones that do

In every wall art, as much speaks the art, as much holds within the canvas. The walls, each one of them, have stories, many of them. And while, sometimes the art may try to hide the wall of shame, but mostly it becomes the very outline of the story. If you have been there, you’ll just know it.

But there’s another aspect to it too. That of the sentiments. For the ones, somewhat more sensitive to art than others, who can speak the language of paints, and some who are quite fluent at it, or the ones who have mere started learning. Because the extent of the miracles and magic that art does to you, is as inexplicable as the interpretation of it. When in the moment, it’s just you and the wall. And all you know, when you look at it, is that there is you and there is life, and nothing in between. That’s how you have everything and nothing.

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