Professions for Romantic Souls
Some of us are born romantics. Now, don’t get me wrong. The word ‘romantic’ has nothing to do with your personal love-life. Actually, romantics are the lovers of nature. If you go through the poems of the romantic poets, especially Wordsworth, Keats, or Shelley, you will discover that these poems are more about nature than about any personal love-interest. However, we do not belong to that age where we can spend our life simply by roaming around, observing nature and writing poems. So, let us find some career options where you can spend your time in nature, or professions that are related with nature.
Ornithology is the study of birds. It also includes the migration pattern, flight patterns, physical appearance, even songs of birds. Ornithologists play some specific job roles, like- bird biologist, bird geneticist, bird conservationist. Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) located at Mumbai (formerly Bombay) and Sálim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON) located near Coimbatore are two best-known ornithological societies of India.
The candidate should have a bachelor’s degree in biology, zoology or animal science.
For the research related job, one must have a Master’s degree, and Ph.D with a specialization in bird studies.
The average salary of ornithologists is INR 3.60 Lakhs to INR 4.20 Lakh per annum.
Top Recruiting Agencies
Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History
Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Wildlife Institute of India
Plant & Animals Welfare Society (PAWS)
NGOs related to birds in general
Bird Conservation Society
Forest Ranger
It is our duty to protect the environment, but if you want your professional life to be associated with this duty, choose the job of forest ranger in India. The forest rangers supervise, protect and act for a sustainable development of the forest. Their works include timber extraction, taking surveys, road aligned construction, plantation management, etc.
A degree in natural science, mathematics, statistics, mechanical/ chemical/ civil engineering.
Qualifying the examination conducted by the State Public Service commission. This test generally consists of General Knowledge, General English and Mathematics.
Candidates must also pass the physical test that includes a standard measurement of height and chest grid, and also walking 16 (for female) to 25 (for male) km in 4 hours.
The minimum annual salary of a forest ranger is INR 6,00,000 per annum.
Top Recruiting Agencies
This is a Government job, in fact Forest Rangers or Range Forest Officers are Gazetted officers. So, they are recruited by the Public Service Commission.Â

Forest Ranger
It is our duty to protect the environment, but if you want your professional life to be associated with this duty, choose the job of forest ranger in India. The forest rangers supervise, protect and act for a sustainable development of the forest. Their works include timber extraction, taking surveys, road aligned construction, plantation management, etc.
A degree in natural science, mathematics, statistics, mechanical/ chemical/ civil engineering.
Qualifying the examination conducted by the State Public Service commission. This test generally consists of General Knowledge, General English and Mathematics.
Candidates must also pass the physical test that includes a standard measurement of height and chest grid, and also walking 16 (for female) to 25 (for male) km in 4 hours.
The minimum annual salary of a forest ranger is 6,00,000 per annum.
Top Recruiting Agencies
This is a Government job, in fact Forest Rangers or Range Forest Officers are Gazetted officers. So, they are recruited by the Public Service Commission.Â

Are you a passionate lover of flowers? Do you love to see them blooming? Then, this is your place. Floriculture is a discipline of horticulture that includes the study of growing flowering plants. Becoming a floriculturist you can choose different types of professions. You can work for any reputed company for the production of ornamental plants, flower seeds, or essential oil crops. You can start your own business, or even get a government job in the Indian Council for Agricultural Research,National Botanical Research Institute, etc.
You can complete your graduation and postgraduation degree in Floriculture and Landscaping for a better career opportunity.
Otherwise, you can pursue a certificate course in floriculture or floriculture technology.
The annual income of a Floriculturist ranges between INR 1.50 Lakhs to INR 4.00 Lakhs.
Top Recruiting Agencies
Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR)
Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI)
Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA
Defence Institute of Bio-Energy Research (DIBER
CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI)

Marine Biologist
‘Marine Biology’ is an umbrella term for many disciplines and jobs in marine science. Marine biology or marine science is basically a study of the environment and all aspects of life in the sea. So, a marine biologist can be a microbiologist, fishery biologist, ichthyologist, marine mammalogist, or even a mathematician.Â
A degree in Marine biology, or ocean and earth science.
For having career options more open you can complete your Bachelor’s degree in any general science-based subjects and can choose Marine Biology or Oceanography in your Master’s.
Experience of participating in some fieldworks for marine conservation organizations, or local wildlife trusts can give you added advantage in your career.
The average salary of a marine biologist in India is INR 9,00,000 per annum.
Top Recruiting Agencies
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture