Life is uncertain. This uncertainty reaches its climax when we complete our formal education and prepare to get a job through an interview. Yoof is here with you in these moments of anxiety, tension, and hope.
At the time of the interview, put on a confident smile- a smile that might lead you to a brighter future.
There was a time when online interviews were the headache of those who used to seek jobs in any MNC or wanted to go to foreign countries for higher studies. And then, there came a microscopic virus that forced us to change our way of living on a macro level. Nowadays, almost all the interviews are held online. Even the interviews of civil services or other government jobs are also on the list. So, let us discuss the preparation strategy on this matter before you start your online discussion with the interviewers.
Light, Sound, Action!
The process of recruitment for any Government job in India takes an average time of 2-3 years. The first wave of Covid-19 had already made the process slower, because almost all examinations between March 2020 to May 2020 were canceled. The rate of unemployment has increased. This led to a fundamental change in the process of Government exams. All the interviews from motor vehicle experts to civil service are arranged online, and students are given clear instructions by the authority about when and how to attend those interviews. Dear Government job aspirants, first of all, congratulations for qualifying the written exams. Here are a few tips that would surely help you to crack your dream job.
Use a smart device i.e. a smartphone, tablet, or laptop with a tested functional front camera- is the first and primary advice. If you are using a desktop, make sure that the audio is working and a webcam is installed.
- The room should be properly lit and there should be no other person in the room when the interview is going on.
- The time slot for the interview and the joining link would be sent through the e-mail address that you have mentioned while filling up the form for that particular exam.
- The candidate should remain in front of the smart device 30 minutes ahead of the scheduled time.
- The candidate’s mobile and the number that is given at the time of form fill up must remain active during the interview to make calls to the candidate, if necessary.
- Scan and update the necessary documents before the interview at the mentioned address.
Now, these rules are for candidates who are appearing in any interview for a government job. The scenario of online interviews for private jobs is slightly different from it. Along with the above-mentioned points, there are some toppings for private jobs.
- You can ask for a time when you are less likely to be disturbed. First impression matters, even in interviews. So, make sure your environment is calm and your mind too. Do not panic – it’s very important.
- In case of both Government and private jobs, try to wear formal clothes. Do not show any casual attitude in your dress or body language.
- Be ready for “out of the syllabus” questions. Companies are asking questions like, “How did you handle the stress of the Covid situation?”, or “What new thing did you discover in this lockdown?”. Prepare answers that reflect your personality.
The last, but not least important suggestion is to have faith in your ability. Whatever your qualifications are, there are plenty of suitable jobs waiting for you. Always face an interview with that much seriousness as if this is your last chance, and always remember that this is not the last chance. Life will always give you an extra inning to finish your game.

Best part of Online Interview is it takes away every distraction that is obvious face-to-face. The time remains fixed, hence cuts the focus on the discussion sharper. Best part is, you get to take it from the place you are most comfortable from, which is your home. Yes, all these factors should add up , unless the technology handicaps. Building rapport during an online conversation would seem to be a walk in the park for the Tech savvies.
For the ones, who have always depended on offline conversations and physical meetings, it’s time for them to tune in to the newer mode. It will always remain easy if we stay focussed on the positives. Identify every detail that you want to observe or ask. Keep your expectations clear about the limitation of the interaction. The moment you feel distanced, keep tagging questions or experience sharing handy. Show interest and empathy. This effort will engage the other party. Make your comfort level clear. In case you do not know whether you are talking to an introvert or extrovert, keep your tone very empathetic.
Stay focused on understanding the person beyond what best can they say. Rephrase or paraphrase in case you are doubtful. Building a rapport during an online session isn’t difficult once you get the hacks right. In the end, offer to send a note of what was discussed. Not every conversation is recorded. Offering your assistance to mail the minutes shows you care. More importantly, while penning the minutes, you might figure out areas that you missed and could have discussed or offered help. Hence, could prove to be a gold mine for you.
All the best! We wait to read your success stories.