Yoof July 2023



Technology and AI have indeed become dominant fields that are shaping the world in numerous ways.
We are witnessing remarkable inventions daily, showcasing the rapid advancements in these fields. However, along with the benefits, there are also emerging threats that need to be addressed. Deep fake and privacy issues are some of them. To explore these issues and pique your curiosity, we present our cover story- The Tech Trailblazers, where we interviewed three renowned tech influencers. We have delved into various aspects of technology, including its impact on medical science, the environment, storytelling, and the evolution of gaming from traditional to digital formats.
Our goal at Yoof is to reach out to our readers and provide the latest knowledge and information that can enhance your life and make it more convenient. We have covered a wide range of topics, from career opportunities and lifestyle changes to cultural shifts, all deeply influenced by technology.


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