Parrots, pigeons, sparrows, and swans! All being killed by the radiations of the latest milestone technology of humans – 5G networks. Reports talk in length about the harm 5G waves are causing to the poor birds. Environmentalists are fighting corporations bent on putting 5G towers in almost all parts of the world. It seems as if the world is in a paradoxical state of identity right now. A form of duality. On one hand, it keeps on shouting the words ‘Sustainability’, ‘Environment’, ‘Global Warming’, and on the other, it keeps on bringing items that reduce the number of days this Earth is going to keep us alive. Ah (sighs!) , Sustaining Relationships

Wait. You got confused right? You thought this article was about relationships, dating advice and keeping your love healthy but now you appear confused after having read the terrible impact 5G radiations have on birds. You are wondering if the writer forgot what he intended to do with the article. No, no. Don’t worry. It’s all part of a plan (trying to give a genius wink).
Well, birds have been a poetic symbol of love, peace and prosperity. From Greeks to ancient Indians to Bollywood, almost everyone has referred to birds when it comes to sending their message of love, or comparing their beloved to nature. Now, in times when these birds face danger to their lives, we are faced with a moral question. When we are unable to protect the symbols of love, are we able to maintain and protect the idea of love?

I am sure many of you have gone through heartbreaks, swearing that Love isn’t the one thing for you. I am sure many of you are in completely healthy relationships, with your partner being faithful to you and you being to them. I am sure some of you are in a constant state of anxiety whether your partner would leave you or not. I am also confident that many of you just wonder if the love you share with someone right now, what if it ends someday? What if it fades, because all your life, you have known that good things come to an end? So, how shall you feel confident about Love when its very nature is teetering?
I am, obviously, not a relationship expert. I do not have brilliant tips to give you on how to keep your ‘flame’ alive in a relationship. I cannot tell you how to shower your loved one with love constantly so they don’t just wake up one day and realize that whatever you two have, is not working anymore. I can’t do any of those things. So what am I doing with my words, right now?

I just talk about the times we are living in, and the needs people might have. When we say the ‘era of 5G’, we mean a time when this duality exists in saving nature and improving human life further. We mean the times when people want to be in a healthy, committed relationship, but they are also afraid of the insecurities, pain and heartbreak it might bring along. We mean the times when people look for love in every corner of their life but when they are confronted by it, they shirk away from it. Most importantly, people feel as if love and relationships are an alternative to career, choices and success in today’s time. You can get either one but not both.
More than that, today, we even talk about fears of commitment, fears of abandonment, fears of being heartbroken and the most surprising, fear of love in itself. We have either experienced or heard of terrible love stories more than the good ones (which appear almost fictional to people) so we try our best to stay away from them. But what good does that bring us?
We are faced with confusions of either working for career or love? Decisions or guts? Feelings or being rational? With so many dilemmas and confusion, how do you make someone stay or a relationship stick for long? Answer is simple. You make an effort. Doesn’t sound much like smart, genius advice, but hey, what did I tell you? I am not an expert. I am just telling you what I believe in.
Love isn’t about grand gestures. It isn’t about making one day of a person’s year magnificent and dazzling. It’s about making the smallest moments precious, something that people can hold on to when things become difficult, when we, as people, as human beings who make mistakes, become difficult. These small things, these small efforts count and make a person hold on to you longer.
Relationships are about effort as much as they are about communication. You need to express in all forms of language humans ever created – words, music, art, physical intimacy, anything! You have to talk, you have to share, and also, you have to listen. Being there for the person emotionally and mentally plays a great role. These days, we all want to talk and vent, and in this lonely world, we hold on to people who listen to us. So hear them out and be there for your partner.
Relationships require effort, communication, patience, and a lot. But there is one thing in relationships that is like salt in dishes. Too little salt or too much, both can ruin a dish. This ‘salt’ in a relationship is ‘holding on’. If we have come to believe that we aren’t perfect, we must also realize that our partner might make mistakes too. There will be flaws in them as well. But your love will be determined with the intensity you hold on to them despite their flaws and mistakes (obviously, I am not talking about accepting red flags!). At the same time, holding on too much can be a mistake on your part as well. Love shouldn’t bind you, rather liberate you and your partner. Love shouldn’t be about choosing between itself and career choices. It shouldn’t be about killing dreams or sacrifices. It should be about being your fullest and still being in love.
Relationships cannot be just about perfect Instagram posts and reels. They can be messy sometimes, with fears, insecurities and stressful events. That shouldn’t make you afraid of love, or afraid of commitment in this era of 5G. Love is precious, as the poets say, and you should embrace it when it comes to you in the purest form.
I hope I made some sense with these mini-tips to have a healthy and happy romantic life. If I did not make much sense, I guess Lemony Snickket will make more sense on keeping love alive forever,
“I will love you as a drawer loves a secret compartment, and as a secret compartment loves a secret, and as a secret loves to make a person gasp… I will love you until all such compartments are discovered and opened, and all the secrets have gone gasping into the world.”