Fashion is a trap. That is the first thing that pops into our mind when we first think about it. But is it really just a trap or is this a misconception? Does it also have 2 sides just like a coin that influences others differently? Can it act as a liberator too?
Just like heads and tales have different impacts on individuals in a simple game of toss, fashion works in a similar convention.

While fast fashion is emerging drastically and influencer culture is the new Gen Z thing, we are subconsciously moving towards the trap aspect of fashion.
Don’t believe me? Well then, read on!
Imagine getting bored, scrolling through your favorite social media and you see your favorite influencer making another reel with that trending song that makes you sway, but wait that isn’t the point. You watch the reel once and if he/she is wearing something attractive you might just watch it a couple of times, check the caption if they have mentioned where their lovely outfit is from, or check the comment section to see if someone has asked the same question.
Scenario 2: You are bored again, sitting on your bed, and a notification pops up-” SALE!!! B1G1” or “60% off on your favorite brands, offer ends at midnight!” etc. Now tell me what you are tempted to do. If I am not wrong you open the notification to go through the offers, scroll, scroll, scroll, and before you know it you have things lined up in your cart. You tend to buy things just because they are cheap, even though you don’t need them. You don’t question yourself, that, do I actually need this or am I impulsive buying just because of the irresistible offers?

We run behind the trends as they keep changing every hour. FADs are the most dangerous of all. FADs are short-lived fashions, which survive only for one season, sometimes even less. Such clothes can be quite affordable but they come with a different type of price tag- cheap quality and less durability. This trap harms not only the consumer but also the surroundings. The amount of wastage, be it fabric, water, manpower or energy is unfathomable.