Food Blogging : An Amalgamation Of Career And Hobby


 As it said, the way to someone’s heart is through their stomach, and some ardent self carers took it way too seriously and we call them food bloggers now. If you’re a true foodie at heart, there have been so many times you wished for a food blogging career. As you cooked up a recipe with your own touch or explored an underdog restaurant you might have thought that food bloggers are living your ultimate dream life!

Taking up food blogging as a career option really is a good mix of money and hobby. 

Someone who has a great taste in food, can conjure up their experiments with a food with simple but engaging words can have a successful food blog. 

As glamorous and easy as it sounds, food blogging also has its shares of difficulties like any other job. With the rise of technology in our day to day lives, food blogging as a career is at its peak. We at YOOF would be more than happy if we could bring out the food blogger within you too.

Eligibility and qualifications:

Well, for all the aspiring food bloggers out there:the best thing about food blogging is that it doesn’t  need any fixed criteria to become one. You can switch to become a food blogger anytime and anywhere! All you need is your love for food and cooking and passion to express it to everyone through writing. But a point to remember is: always be authentic. Make sure the food content is engaging and not plagiarised.


Apart from the basics that literally is clear from the name itself,there are some skills that are important for food blogging. You need to have a proper idea  about  online blogging sites and how they work to promote your content. Furthermore, visual representation of food certainly attracts more viewers. Hence, you should learn how to click eye catching pictures of your recipes .

A few things you should remember:

  • Be you. Your food blog should have an identity of its own to stand out in the crowd and become successful. Youryour blog should embody your passion for food.
  •  Your passion alone won’t make a food blogging career as successful as you want. you must have an attractive website for your food blog that will attract readers and viewers.
  •  Social media has the power to make your food blogging dream reach its height of success.Know your target audience and make sure you interact with them on a regular basis.
  • Try to make your food blogging pictures as aesthetic as possible because it is one of the main keys to keep your audience hooked to your content.

Sometimes it might become a little difficult to make a food blog because it’s time consuming. However I do remember that it is the ardent love for food and a passion for writing that made you take it up in the first place. 

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