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A conversation with Nayab Midha: A true poet

The color pink is generally associated with women. Yellow and purple are

Sanchari Sinha Roy Sanchari Sinha Roy

Celebrating Festivals in the Time of WhatsApp

Mahima, age- 42: Mahima came back from the office at 7 p.m.

Sanchari Sinha Roy Sanchari Sinha Roy

Science Fiction in Indian Celluloid- A Genre Lost or Unfound?

Science fiction. What comes into your mind when you hear this? A

Neelabhro Saha Neelabhro Saha

Mountain Biking – A Thrill In The Hills

What is life but a never-ending adventure! All of us have hidden

Naman Negi Naman Negi

Bazaars of Desire in the capital of India

Is our morality and sense of justice defined by the aesthetics that

Sarthak Paliwal Sarthak Paliwal