Being You: A New Science of Consciousness

Sarthak Paliwal
Sarthak Paliwal

The Elephant in the Womb

Book Name: Being You: A New Science of Consciousness


Author: Anil Seth

Publisher: Faber and Faber

Language: English

Genre: Neuropsychology

Print Length: 368 pages

Publication date: September 2, 2021

Yoof Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Readers claim, if you want to read a book on consciousness, it must be this.


Seth has published over 100 scientific papers and book chapters and is the Editor-in-Chief of the journal, Neuroscience of Consciousness. The author aims to advance the science of consciousness and to use its insights for the benefit of society, technology, and medicine.


Reality is truth interpreted. Perception is our manipulated interpretation. There is the mind and its complexities, the masquerades, and the controlled hallucinations. How authentic are our sense of self, or the world, of the outside and the inside, how reliable is anything, any experience?


Seth’s quest to understand the biological foundation of conscious experience is one of the most enthralling contributions to twenty-first-century science. He argues that we do not perceive the world as it objectively is, but rather we are limited by the neurotic improvisations of the brain, constantly yielding to the interactions between the moment-to-moment emotions and thoughts and the imperceptible electrical impulses. And by accomplishing a state of consciousness through observation of the brain activity and corresponding awareness is how we experience life as a reality and not as a hallucination.


The pursuit of the inquiry into the science behind human consciousness and Seth’s understanding of the concept, gracefully calibrated into this work, makes it a must-read for anyone who desires to embark on a transformative journey and explore the danger of questioning the very base of your existence.


As humans, we intrinsically seek purpose fulfillment, which at the root level is the earnest experience of life at every moment, and not just a perception of the mind based on survival. Realizing the essence of human consciousness and correlating it with your awareness of the moment, takes you to the unparalleled experience of simply ‘being you’. And amidst the chaos of the mind, the dualities of nature, perplexities of existence, life becomes a beautiful fulfillment.


Being you not only offers answers, but it is a profound cause for astonishment and exhilaration. An intelligible string of theories dealing with the complex mystery of the nature of consciousness, the book is a remarkable page-turner that will guide you, charm you, and blow your mind.

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